Choosing Better Pest Control

They'll Eat You Out Of House And Home: How To Keep Termites Away

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If you own your home, you need to be worried about termites. Termites are the one pest that can destroy your home from the inside out. Once termites start devouring your home, they won’t stop until they’ve destroyed it, or they’re eradicated. That’s why you need to take as many precautionary steps as you can to keep them away from your home. If you’re concerned about termite infestations, here are four simple strategies you can use to keep them from becoming a problem.…

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Exposed to Bed Bugs? Know How to Get Rid of Them

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Have you been exposed to bed bugs, and now worried about them getting into your home? If so, you’ll need to take precaution to make sure that they do not infest the rest of your home. Thankfully, there are some easy steps to follow to ensure that those bed bugs are dead. Shake Off Your Clothes Don’t make the mistake of entering your home with bed bugs on you. Instead, you’ll want to shake off your clothing in a place that is away from carpet fibers and other fabric.…

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Warm Weather Has Finally Arrived: How To Keep Those Pesky Mosquitoes Away

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Now that the warm weather is finally arriving, it’s time to start worrying about mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are more than a warm-weather nuisance; they’re actually a health risk. Mosquitoes carry the West Nile Virus, which can make people extremely sick. In fact, according to the CDC, 1 out of every 150 people who develop West Nile Virus develop life-threatening symptoms from the disease. In some cases, those symptoms prove fatal. The time to protect yourself, and your family, from West Nile Virus, is to take steps before the first mosquitoes appear this year.…

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