Choosing Better Pest Control

The Truth About Termite Destruction and Extermination

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Of all the pests that can get into your home, one of the worst ones are termites. They destroy essential parts of your home that are made from wood and are difficult to exterminate by yourself. Here is what you need to know about the destruction that termites can cause and how you can get rid of them. Termite Destruction The reason that termites are so destructive compared to other pests is because they consume wood at a rapid pace.…

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How Weather Affects Insects Around Your Home

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If you’re like most people, you’ve noticed that insects have a rather distinct pattern of behavior, disappearing when the temperatures drop then suddenly reappearing in the springtime. And when your home provides shelter, you notice this pattern of behavior that much more. Here’s how the weather affects these pests and how to make your home less attractive to them. Spring During the springtime, most people see an increase in insect activity.…

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The Pest-Free Life: Proactive Ways To Avoid Insect & Rodent Pest Infestations In The Home Without Relying On Chemicals

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Whether the infestation is caused by mice, fleas, roaches, or any other pest, homeowners who have had to deal with a serious pest infestation understand how difficult the process can be. When families need to limit their exposure to the chemicals used in most insecticides, ridding the home of unwanted pests can become even more of an uphill battle. To avoid having to deal with a serious pest infestation in your home, consider using these proactive methods that severely limit the number of pests that make their way into your home and help prevent a major infestation from occurring in the first place.…

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