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Keep Rodents Out Of Your Home This Year: What You Should Do

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Rodents may look cute when they’re behind a cage or maybe when you see them on TV, but when you spot one eating from your pantry or leaving you “presents” all around your kitchen, they aren’t so cute anymore. Rodents are a pest that can multiply quickly and before you know it, you’re home will now house quite a few rodents, not just that one you spotted. Rodents may not be your only issue either, they can attract other pests to your home as well.…

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Tips For Keeping Ants Out Of Your Home

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Ants and other insects can be a problem in your home during the warmer months of the year. Keeping them out is not as hard as you might think. Here are a few things to consider when it comes to keeping the ant on the outside of your home.  Keep Food Put Away One of the most important things you can do to keep ants at bay is to make sure you are putting away food items and sweeping up crumbs from areas as soon as you notice them.…

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Simple Solutions For Controlling Spiders

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There are many pests that can enter your home. However, spiders seem to be one of the most feared. Whether you are worried about possible bites and dangerous reactions or you just have a fear of these arachnids, spiders can be controlled. This guide will teach you a few simple solutions for protecting your home from a spider infestation. Declutter Most homeowners know the importance of decluttering, but you may not realize how it can help prevent spiders and other pests in the home.…

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Have A Spider Problem? Discover Where They Are Coming From And Take Control

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If you have found several spiders in your home over the past several days, you may have told others about it only to have them tell you that having spiders is a good thing. People often say this because spiders are known for eating other types of insects that may be lingering in the home, but that does not mean that you want to find spiders inhabiting your personal space. Although they may eat other small insects, you should handle the spider problem in your home, especially since these insects can bite.…

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3 Keys For Residential Pest Control Services

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If you are thinking about getting what you need out of your property ownership, it’s easier than ever to do that when you get help from companies that can look out for you. You need to do a lot more than simply collect rent and should instead touch base with some contractors that will handle all of the matters along the way. Pest control management is an area that you will need to key in on when you want to make the most of your property ownership.…

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How To Eliminate Your Lizard Problem With Pest Control Services

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If you have herpetophobia, then you do not want lizards hanging around your house. This reptile needs shelter and food for survival. It is mainly an insectivore, but also eats plants and fruits. Lizards enjoy hanging around the side of your house, windows, and doors. However, you should not allow this critter to keep you from leaving your house. Read on to find out how to eliminate your lizard problem with residential pest control services.…

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They'll Eat You Out Of House And Home: How To Keep Termites Away

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If you own your home, you need to be worried about termites. Termites are the one pest that can destroy your home from the inside out. Once termites start devouring your home, they won’t stop until they’ve destroyed it, or they’re eradicated. That’s why you need to take as many precautionary steps as you can to keep them away from your home. If you’re concerned about termite infestations, here are four simple strategies you can use to keep them from becoming a problem.…

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Exposed to Bed Bugs? Know How to Get Rid of Them

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Have you been exposed to bed bugs, and now worried about them getting into your home? If so, you’ll need to take precaution to make sure that they do not infest the rest of your home. Thankfully, there are some easy steps to follow to ensure that those bed bugs are dead. Shake Off Your Clothes Don’t make the mistake of entering your home with bed bugs on you. Instead, you’ll want to shake off your clothing in a place that is away from carpet fibers and other fabric.…

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Warm Weather Has Finally Arrived: How To Keep Those Pesky Mosquitoes Away

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Now that the warm weather is finally arriving, it’s time to start worrying about mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are more than a warm-weather nuisance; they’re actually a health risk. Mosquitoes carry the West Nile Virus, which can make people extremely sick. In fact, according to the CDC, 1 out of every 150 people who develop West Nile Virus develop life-threatening symptoms from the disease. In some cases, those symptoms prove fatal. The time to protect yourself, and your family, from West Nile Virus, is to take steps before the first mosquitoes appear this year.…

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3 Things You Need To Know About Rodent Infestations

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Have you been hearing odd noises coming from your walls? Do you suspect that you might have mice or rats in your home? Having a rodent infestation is something that no homeowner ever wants to deal with, but it is something that can happen to anyone. Although some people might think that you can only get rats or mice in your home if you are dirty or are a poor housekeeper, but this is not the case.…

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