Choosing Better Pest Control

Dealing With Rodents

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If you have an infestation of rodents you need to act as soon as possible. Rats are known to carry a flea that is responsible for the infamous plague. Mice on the other hand are known to carry the Hantavirus. This virus is spread through the fecal pellets of the mouse, and is actually deadly to humans. Not only do these rodents carry diseases, but they can be very detrimental to a home.…

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Unwanted Guests In Your Attic? How To Evict Squirrels From Your Home

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Squirrels are furry little creatures. If you have them in your yard, you may enjoy watching them scamper around. However, scampering around your yard often ends with them scampering around your attic. That usually happens once they figure out that your attic provides them all the security they need; food, bedding, and protection. Once squirrels find a way into your attic, they can be next to impossible to get rid of.…

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The Battle With Mice And How To Win

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There is nothing quite like walking into a room in your house and seeing a mouse take off. It can be frightening, to say the least, but you have a reason to be frightened. If you have a mouse in your house, there are likely more. The problem with having mice in your home is they can cause a lot of property damage by chewing on wires and other materials. However, mice also carry Hantavirus, which can be deadly to humans.…

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