Choosing Better Pest Control

3 Signs You Have A Rat Problem In Your Home

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If you have rodents, you would think you would notice them right away, but they are so sneaky that they can go unnoticed for quite some time until you have a major problem on your hands. Rodents such as rats, although larger in size, can be sneaking in between your walls and getting into your food without you realizing it at all. There are signs you can watch out for that may indicate that you have a rat problem.…

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Tips For Dealing With Drywood Termites In Your Home

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Your home is one of the most expensive assets you’ll ever own, and termites can cause a lot of damage to it. If you think that you have a drywood termite infestation, it will help to know some tips for getting rid of them for good. Identity The Termites The first thing you need to do is identify that the termites are actually drywood termites. If you see swarmer drywood termites, you’ll notice that the pest has a body that is reddish-brown in color and has two pairs of wings that are the same size.…

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Why You Should Hire A Pest Control Company Whenever Pests Invade Your Home

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Pest infestations are some of the annoying problems you can experience in your home. Pests are usually destructive, and they are also associated with some serious health problems. When most people experience a pest invasion, they often resort to pesticides and insecticides. However, this is not the best way to deal with any pest problem. If you want to manage pest infestations more effectively, it’s advisable to contact any of the reputable pest control companies in your area.…

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